We're here to answer our most frequently asked question; how should I wash and take care of my reusable water bottle?
Let's address why you should be cleaning your bottle regularly - There’s an average of 300,000 bacteria cells per square inch in a water bottle after one week without cleaning. Experts claim that we should be cleaning our reusable water bottles daily (even if we fill them with plain water!).
Has your bottle started to smell bad? This is because odours get trapped in the airtight lid... and by odours, this could come from stale water, saliva, food, the old sponge you used or even worse, a concoction of all of the above.
But don't worry, here are some helpful ways to keep your bottle so fresh and so clean ;)
If you have our Glass WB-2 Bottle, the bottle itself can easily be cleaned by throwing it in the dishwasher (note: please do not literally throw it). You can also leave the silicone sleeve on.
For our Plastic WB-1 Bottle, although it is dishwasher safe, we do recommend hand washing using our silicone cleaning brush to protect the frosted exterior.
To hand wash your bottle, follow the steps below:
You'll need:
- Tablespoon
- Measuring cup
- Baking soda and white vinegar/lemon juice
- Hot water
- Two bowls
- Plate
- Bottle brush
- Rubbing alcohol
- Q-tip
- Drying rack
Step Two: Pour the mixture into the bottle, right up to the top
Step Three: Mix another 2 tablespoons of baking soda and vinegar/lemon juice with hot water to soak the lid in a bowl, covering the top with a plate
Step Four: Allow both the bottle and lid to soak for 15 to 30 minutes. For a deeper clean, leave it overnight
Step Five: Scrub the inside of the bottle using hot water and a bottle brush.
Step Six: Take the lid out of the bowl and clean it out with a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol, and then rinse with warm water
Step Seven: Place the bottle and lid upside down on a drying rack and allow them to air dry before use